4" German all bisque one-piece head and torso, wire strung one-piece limbs, impressed "6248 3/0", orange flat boots, white socks with blue trim, painted black eyes, closed mouth, crocheted outfit.


   $ 57.50
77   On 3: 2 1/2" frozen Charlotte, Shaker type penwipe, painted black hair, lower arms broken off, felt multi-colored pieced skirt; 1 1/2" and 2" china shoulder heads with painted black molded hair, painted blue eyes, closed mouth, loss of paint overall, attached to early fine grained wood stick bodies covered with canvas, clothed in iridescent rust silk.    $ 138.
78 12" early brown mohair bear with shoe button eyes, stitched nose and mouth, original felt pads, probably Steiff, button missing, long arms, voice box nonfunctioning, loss of hair front of body, mohair on rest of body in good condition    $ 575.

Group of bisque dolls: two 2 1/2" wire strung; two 1 1/2" and 2" seated bathing dolls; two 1 1/2" and 2" black frozen Charlottes, all in fair condition.


   $ 69.

18" papier-mache shoulder head Grenier type with original paint, paper label on back, no lettering, black hair with ears exposed, curls to nape of neck, detached lower leather arms (mended), original cloth body and undergarments, appropriate replaced dress, replaced homemade shoes, straw bonnet.


   $ 172.50
81 8" pair of bisque head adult dolls, with painted blue eyes with red lid line, closed mouth, wigs of white lambs wool, cloth bodies, bisque lower legs, 18th c. style ornate costumes, all original, label under stand "350, Rue Saint - Honore (Pres La Place Vendome), Old Curiosity Shop, Paris", probably 1920.    $ 287.50

On 2: 22" short golden mohair bear with much hair loss, applied ears, replaced button eyes, replaced button eyes, replaced stitching of nose and mouth, articulated head and limbs, short arms, original felt pads; and 7" mohair dog with much hair loss, eyes missing, floppy ears, original stitched nose and mouth with red tongue, large round head, sitting.


   $ 230.
83 On 2: 21" composition shoulder head, embossed "Shirley Temple", original mohair wig glued over molded hair, cloth body with composition limbs, eyes discolored, some teeth missing; and 17" composition baby doll, brown molded hair, flange neck, sleep eyes, open mouth, with composition lower arms and legs, composition deteriorating, dressed.    $ 632.50

Lot of assorted miniature all bisque and china dolls, body parts, "as is".


    $ 23.
85   Lot of early doll clothing, including some nice dresses.    $ 575.

Early doll's bed, quilts and ladderback doll chair.


   $ 345.
87   Miscellaneous doll clothing of various ages with hat, shoes and umbrella.    $ 230.

Attic lot of early carved Christ Burros, celluloid doll, bakelite fan, whisk brushes, game, perfume, including foreign dolls.


   $ 201.25

Doll clothing accessories, hats, shoes, some singles, bag, etc.


   $ 276.
90 Lot of doll house furniture: tin accessories, canopy bed, chairs, washboard, etc    $ 299.

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