American Indian & Ethnographic Art Auction, Holiday Inn, Rockland, MA (Exit 14) Sunday, May 26, 2013 at 11 am (Preview: Sat. 12-5 pm; Sun. 9-11 am) To see second half of the catalog - Click here. To go to homepage: WHA |
1 FRAME OF 41 RELICS Forty-one stone relics in a frame, including large knives, drills, points, (ex. Peirce collection, Plymouth, MA). $100-300 |
2 STONE WORKED DISH Rare, and possibly unique, stone worked rectangular dish, found on Monk's Hill, Plymouth, MA, 1 1/4" h, 7" l, 3 1/2" w. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
3 SEVEN DRILLS Frame of seven drills, crescent-shape base, O.D. Site, Kingston, MA. $100-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
4 SALTWATER PLUMMET "Saltwater plummet, found at Rocky Nook by William Pierce, bought at Janet Smith auction, 8/16/77" on a white tag, 6 1/2" l, 2 3/4" dia. $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
5 BONE RELICS Framed arrowheads, long bead (2 1/4" l), awls and harpoon, dug by Don and Ruth Veira, at O.D. Site, Kingston, MA. $100-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
6 ADENA CLUB Found in Duxbury, MA, in 1957, 4 1/2" l, 2" w. $100-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
7 SIX PLUMMETS Found at Bay Farm and Bay Road, Duxbury, MA, (ex. Ford collection). $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
8 AXE Large axe, old paper label typed "Axe found 1916 at corner of Marion and Hatherly Rds. Scituate, Mass. By Chas. Brown About one foot deep found while breaking ground.", "Scituate, MA" in white ink, 8 7/8" x 4 7/8". $100-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
9 MAUL Large maul, full grooved, with white paper label in blue ink "Large Indian Maul found off the Main Street, Duxbury Mass. bought by Engstrom March 28, 1980 from Don Scothorne, Norwell.", old patina, 5" x 5". $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
10 RARE GOUGE/ADZ Very old handwritten script presentation label in brown ink attached "Presented to B. Kingman, ...Feb. 15, 1861 - Indian Gouge from Hingham", (Note: possibly Bradford Kingman, who published the History of the Town of North Bridgewater in 1866), Hingham, MA, great patinated finish, 7 1/4" l, 2 1/2" w. $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
11 BANNERSTONE Finely drilled and polished, paper label attached "Sept 2, 74, Bannerstone from Foxboro collection", 2 1/2" x 2". $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
12 GOUGE/ADZ Double grooved ends, labeled "Adze found Jan 25, 1963 East Head Reservoir, Carver (MA) 14" in yellow", 8 1/2" x 2 1/2". $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
13 ABRADER STONE Full deep groove on three edges, and 10-12 full-length striations on top and bottom faces, labeled with blue ink "Richardson coll. Lonsdale, R.I.", old patina, rare form, 3 1/2" x 2 1/4" x 1 1/4". $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
14 MORTAR Incised sun over "July 10, 1901" - "R.C.B.", flanked by an anchor and cross, "South Yarmouth, Mass." in white ink, old patina, 8" x 6 1/2" x 3". $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
15 PESTLE White label in blue ink "Large Pestle, 19" Long, Trennel Collection, Attleboro, Peterson Collection, Natick bought 1976 by Bill Taylor of Middleboro, bought 1977 by R. Engstrom, Attleboro, Ma.", 3" base dia. $100-200 |
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Absentee Bid |
16 SEMILUNA Rare form, drilled, "Semiluna knife from Cliff Morris Coll., found at Sampson's Pond Carver (MA) 1938, off Rt 58 So. Carver Mass.", "Sold Nov 10, 1977 to R. Engstrom", in a white box, cracked and glued, thin construction, slate, 6" x 3 1/4". $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
17 PESTLE Stemmed, found in Middleboro, MA, 4 1/2" x 3". $100-150 |
Absentee Bid | |
18 AXE Full grooved, bell-shaped poll, polished striated stone, labeled "Easton, Mass.", 7" l, 3" w. $100-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
19 TOMAHAWK Iron, hand-forged, white label "Indian tomahawk from the Barton Coll. Attleboro, 16-74.", Attleboro, MA, 8 1/8" l, 1 1/2" w. $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
20 FOUR STONE PIPES Dark red/brown soapstone, fins on top and bottom, scratch carved petroglyphs, "Found by Don Scothorne", Tiverton, RI, (old nick out of bowl), 1 7/8"; an unfinished chlorite platform pipe, "Pipe from Oaklawn, R.I." in white, 1 3/8"; a platform soapstone pipe, drill decorated chimney-syle bowl, also drilled end of stem, (repaired), labeled "Hancock Co - Ga.", 2 1/2" h, 5" l; white soapstone platform pipe with crude carved paw on end of stem, labeled "soapstone pipe, paw platform 224, Eskimo, Lantagne Coll.", 4 1/2". $200-300 |
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Absentee Bid |
21 EIGHT HARPOON POINTS, ANTLER AND BONE Framed, from Columbia River, Oregon, labeled "Genuine Calapooya Indian Artifact, A.H. Bray 2155 Monroe, Eugene, Oregon, 97405" and "Oct. 5, 1974 bought at Greenfield, N.H.". $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
22 EXTREMELY FINE TROPHY AXE Mica flecked granite with double-sided grooved base and rounded poll, labeled "Trophy axe, Haggerstown Maryland bought by Arthur Barton, Attleboro, Mass.", 8 1/2" l. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
23 RARE TROPHY AXE Polished green stone, double-sided three-finger grooved head, typed label "Geo. Sholtz farm, Merrill, Wisc., 1931", 8" l. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
24 SEVEN KNIVES AND POINTS Framed knives and points, including 7 1/2" Ohio fluted point, Wayne Co., TN, (ex. Parker); 6" red stone fluted point, Stone Co., MO; 3 1/2" fluted point, Vernon Co., MO; 2 3/4" point from Aqua Plains, Brown Co., MN; and a 1 1/2" Folsom point, Lee Co., NM. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
25 GORGET PENDANT Reddish-brown polished stone, anchor shaped, flat back, three drilled holes, white label "Logan Co Ohio Gorget anchor Pendant", old patina, 3 1/2" l. $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
26 FRAMED BONE TOOLS Ten bone tools, awls and pointed pieces, one drilled piece labeled "9/11/40 ac., Craig Collection, Phila, Pa", 3 1/2" l; and another awl labeled "Cliff Dwellers, S.H. Col." in early script, 5" l. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
27 MIMBRES POTTERY BOWL Large Mimbres pottery bowl, depicting two powerful animalistic forms with crosshatched, beaver-like paddle tails, three front legs, horns, circular eyes, rows of teeth, inside a border with a lightning like sawtooth framework connected with characteristic multiple paralleled lines, all outlined in black, some small damage at one portion of rim, retains an older gold "Sotheby's" sales tag, Lot "9" in ink in a round circle, 6 1/2 - 7" h, largest diameter is 14 1/2", (ex. estate of Stefan Brecht, NY). $4000-6000 |
Absentee Bid | |
28 MIMBRES POTTERY BOWL Mimbres pottery bowl depicting a fish (approximately 5" l) at the bottom, circular round eye, open mouth, a series of white horizontal triangles representing scales, large black tail and black fins, retains an older gold "Sotheby's" sales tag, Lot "23" on a pink circular sticker, 5" h, 11" dia, (ex. estate of Stefan Brecht, NY). $2000-3000 |
Absentee Bid | |
29 MIMBRES POTTERY BOWL Mimbres pottery bowl depicting a bee (4 1/2" l) with black head, circular white eye, highly curled antenna, long double proboscis, large light tan body with parallel lines, paralleled brown lines around inside top of rim, retains an older gold "Sotheby's" sales tag, Lot "12" on a white circular sticker, 3" h, 6 3/4" dia, (ex. estate of Stefan Brecht, NY). $1500-2500 |
Absentee Bid | |
30 MIMBRES POTTERY BOWL Mimbres pottery bowl depicting a small bee (2" l) with a striped brownish/black and white body, two antenna, three legs, five small stripes above two larger brown stripes circle the inside of the rim, retains an older gold "Sotheby's" sales tag, Lot "14" on a white circular sticker, 3" h, 7 1/2" dia, (ex. estate of Stefan Brecht, NY). $1000-2000 |
Absentee Bid | |
31 TWO ANASAZI POTTERY PIECES Globular jar with flattened handle attached to neck and body, overall geometric designs, black on cream white, top edge repaired, 8" h, 7" dia; Globular-shaped canteen, overall geometric designs of black on buff cream background, spout and hanging nodules are replaced, 6" h, 6" dia. $500-1000 |
Absentee Bid | |
32 BIRDSTONE Polished green flecked hardstone, two drilled wedge-shaped areas underneath, fan-shaped tail, good condition, 3 1/2" overall l, 1 1/2" w. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
33 BIRD EFFIGY PIPE Reddish/brown stone, labeled underneath "B152, mound find", crested shaped head with small drilled eyes, old patinated finish, 2 1/2" h, 4 1/4" l. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
34 THREE PLUMMETS Grooved and shaped redstone, lightly pitted, labeled "1430, Clark Co, Mo.", 2 1/2" l; Grooved quartz, flattened on two sides, cracking but very stable, 2 1/2" l; Polished red hardstone, finely shaped, drilled at the flattened top, 3" l. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
35 BOATSTONE Polished green mottled hardstone, hollowed with tapering side walls, angled flattened ends, two drilled holes towards either end, cracked and repaired on one end at the drill hole, 1 1/2" h, 4" l. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
36 BEADS AND PENDANTS Shell beaded necklace (13" l) and bracelet; and 32 unstrung beads and two pendants carved from clam shell, (Note: necklace tagged "367, Fore Co, Okla"). $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
37 TWO STONE BEADS AND A PENDANT Disc-shaped red stone bead or pendant (2" dia), decorated with geometric incised lines; Polished light colored stone bead, 1/2 oblong shape, 1" h, 1 1/4" dia; Triangular flat gray stone pendant, with notches along the sides and geometric incised lines, 2 1/4" l. $150-250 |
Absentee Bid | |
38 FETISH AND FISH HOOKS Light blue flint stone turtle fetish, 2 3/4" l; and two flint fish hooks, one in the shape of an arrow, 2 1/4" and 2" l. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
39 MORTAR, HAMMERSTONE AND CHILD'S POT Pink sandstone mortar, 6" l; Round hammerstone (possibly a game stone), indented in middle on both flattened sides, marked "Fulton, Ga", 2 1/2" dia; Small prehistoric child's pot, shaped side handles, incised decoration, marked "St. Clair Co., Ill.", 2 1/2" h, 3" dia. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
40 HISTORIC AND PREHISTORIC MATERIAL Collection includes three saber tooth tiger teeth (one is petrified); partial boar's tooth; dog tooth and shell necklace; bone and copper awls (marked "Talladega Co., Ala"); pendants; gouges; bone fish hook; polished bone pendant; pottery shards; redstone pipe (marked "Schuyler Co., Ill"); flint thunderbird and polished stone pipe with butterfly on stem, 5" l; and more polished stones, etc. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
41 WHALE'S TOOTH With dyed and woven basketry cover in red, yellow and dark purple, Northwest Coast, 4" l. $150-250 |
Absentee Bid | |
42 BONE PIPE Northwest Coast, probably Haida or Tsimshian, in the form of a totemic animal (possibly bear's head) forming the pipe bowl, prominent rows of teeth, enlarged and pointed oval eye rims carved in shallow relief, slight projecting forehead and carved nostrils, elongated body forming the stem of the pipe, flattened mouthpiece, rich aged patina, especially on the pipe bowl, 2" h (at the bowl), 9 1/4" l. $800-1200 |
Absentee Bid | |
43 EARLY BONE KNIFE Northwest Coast, hilt and partial blade, possibly Haida, carved raven's head, hammered copper wrap at beginning of blade, finely mounted with wood and secured with an ivory pin, 5 1/2" l (head), 13 1/2" l (overall). $400-600 |
Absentee Bid | |
44 DANCE PADDLE Northwest Coast, cedar, totemic animal carved in relief with claws and single eye, painted in black on opposite side, 26 1/2" l, [Note: from the John P. Richardson, Old Fort House collection, "...found hanging in the Captain Barnabus Lincoln house, Lincoln St..." (Hingham, Mass.)]. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
45 ESKIMO FISHING LINE, LURE AND HOOK Braided plant material, approximately 21' long, sinew wrapped on a pine holder with forked ends (one tine missing), 17" l; Carved bone lure with forged metal hook, wrapped in skin (seal?); (Note: from the John P. Richardson collection, "Eskimo hand line from collection in the old (1879) Hingham Public Library. Probably part of Thomas Bouve Collection... Old Fort House, Hingham."); (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-300 |
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Absentee Bid |
46 TWO NW COAST HARPOON HEADS Bone and ivory, one with hand-hammered copper blade, tagged "...Bone arrow tip acquired from Cheever Cressy...He acquired it from President Sills of Bowdoin College...from a collection of Eskimo artifacts brought back by Noted Arctic explorer Donald MacMillan whose ship was named the Bowdoin..." JP Richardson, 10 1/2" overall l; and an early walrus tusk harpoon head with steel point (old patina), still sharp, tagged "brought back to President Sills of Bowdoin College probably in 1930's by...Donald MacMillan..." JP Richardson collection, 5" overall l. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
47 ESKIMO KAYAK MODELS Darkened seal skin covered wood frame, with carved seated wood figure, hand sewn skin trimmed in ivory, 14" l; and another lighter seal skin covered ivory slatted frame, hand sewn with a small carved wood figure with tag "Given to me by E. (Elizabeth) Coatesworth Beston. She said that it was made by Henry Beston while he spent the year at the Outermost House, Cape Cod. John P. Richardson", (Note: the kayak appears to be Eskimo made, trimmed in ivory around the cock pit and displaying a miniature whale's tooth carved in bone; and the wooden doll with painted face and movable arms was made by Henry Beston, the author); (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
48 ESKIMO KAYAK MODEL Dark skin covered wooden frame, tipped with ivory on the ends, ivory runners, many ivory pieces attached with sinew to the top of the kayak, carved harpoons, carved wooden faux seal bladder float, carved wooden figure with arms extended, 26" l; (Note: includes pine covered mailing box from John S. Rosa, U.S.C.G. A.P.O. 859, to Blanche Rosa...Lawrence Mass. postmarked Feb 5, 1944, along with a typed certification paper that describes the kayak as a gift and is free from duty, and two pencil drawings on paper of totem poles). $600-900 |
Absentee Bid | |
49 TWO ESKIMO LIDDED BASKETS Round with faded weavers in purple, black and green, geometric diamonds, 5 1/2" h, 9" dia; Globular-shaped finely woven basket in faded purple, black and green, geometric crosses, lid with woven finial, 9" h, 9" dia; both in excellent condition; (Note: interior paper inside "Rochester Museum of Science Center, Age, About 100 yrs. Closes perfect, Alaska"). $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
50 TWO NW COAST BASKETS Makah round lidded basketry trinket box, decorated with red whaling boats, original label on bottom "Makah, DA , $1.25", "ex the Gov. John D. Lowe Estate, Hingham, Massachusetts", JPR collection, 2 1/4" h, 4" dia; Northern California Yurok oval basket, with openwork rim (some breaks at rim), bear grass and pine root, light and dark geometrics, 3 3/4" h, 8 1/2" l, with tag "the T. Bouve Collection, displayed at the 1879 Hingham Library...", (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
50A SMALL COOKING POT Redware, flared lip (chipped), four concentric lines around central portion, "Unearthed by J.T. Bouve & Company about 1870", remnants of a paper label glued to inside lip "Ind...Pot...Found...Wigwam.", also index card with history of "The Wigwam, Hingham, Mass." and the history of the pot, 3 3/4" h, 5" dia, (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $150-250 |
Absentee Bid | |
51 BASKETRY BOWL Central California basketry bowl, "Yana", hazel or willow, bear grass, maidenhair fern, 4 1/2" h, 6 1/2" dia. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
52 CASCADES REGION BASKET Klikitat imbricated designed basket, looped rim, slightly flared sides, red, white and black cherry bark, triangular zigzag designs, 6 1/2" h, 7" dia at top. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
53 DOLL'S CRADLE BOARD; AND SMALL BURDEN BASKET Central California doll's cradle board, willow frame and hood, Washo or Paiute, purple and white beaded strips around hood and along the sides, 7 1/2" l, 3 1/4" w; Conical-shaped small twined burden basket, Paiute, willow, central band design and openwork rim rods coiled with peeled willow, 9" h, 5" dia. $150-250 |
Absentee Bid | |
54 STORAGE BASKET California twined storage basket, bands of red verticals separated by a dark red central band, flared top, 9" h, 10" dia. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
55 BASKETRY BOWL California basketry bowl, stepped geometric design, cotton string woven into the bottom, 4" h, 8" dia. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
56 CALIFORNIA BASKETRY BOWL Large basketry bowl, three bands of willow root, openwork crossed willow at upper portion, excellent condition, 4 1/2" h, 15 1/2" dia. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
57 INUIT JUGGLER'S PRINT 20th c. stonecut print, Inuit "Women Juggling Stones", signed "Pitseoluk" (Ashoona), (1904-1983), dated "1968", and "Printed by Lukta Qiatsuk", framed and matted, 8 1/4" x 11 3/4" (sight). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
58 INUIT PRINT 20th c. stonecut print, Inuit, three rats and a fish in a pool, pencil signed "#30 Stone Cut, Rats, 46/50 by Manogak, 1968", black on white paper, framed, matted and glazed, 17 1/2" x 24 3/4" (sight), (from the James Baird collection). $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
59 ESKIMO FACE Plaster or wood, painted likeness of a happy elderly Eskimo man, outlined in fur and black wool, on a thick card back, signed on back "Nome Al, 1917" (?), 8" h (ex. John P. Richardson collection, Hingham, MA). $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
60 ESKIMO FISH SPEAR Wood, bone and copper, tied with twined sinew, tag "From collection in old Hingham Library, probably was part of T. Bouve Collection, JPR Old Fort House, Hingham, Mass.", 22" l; (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
60A INUIT STONE SCULPTURE Kneeling mother and child, signed in syllabics "Mathew Aqigaad" (1940-2010), possible repair to top of mother's head, 10 1/2" h, 8" l, 7" w. $2,500-3,500
Absentee Bid | |
60B INUIT STONE SCULPTURE Davidee Nastapoka (1945-), Inukjuak, hunter with fish in bag on back and holding a knife in one hand and fish in the other, 13" h, 11" l, 5" w. $1,500-2,000
Absentee Bid | |
60C INUIT STONE SCULPTURE Green serpentine stone, signed in syllabics on bottom, one Eskimo carrying another, 11" h, 8" l, 4" w. $1,000-1,500
Absentee Bid | |
60D INUIT STONE SCULPTURE Signed in Roman by Inuit artist "Adamie Anauta" (Anautak, 1946-), finely detailed, mother with child, mother using a knife, (Note: his work is on display at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia and Winnipeg Art Gallery), 8" h, 14" l, 6" w. $3,000-4,000
Absentee Bid | |
61 BRONZE STATUE Native American fisherman with spear and fish, signed "Hartmann, 1989" (Jud Hartmann, 1948-) on base, standing figure with finely detailed leggings, sheathed knife, moccasins and fringed shoulder bag, mounted on a wooden base, 19" h, (21 1/2" h with base). $800-1200 |
Absentee Bid | |
62 PORTRAIT Oil on canvas, red and green striped shirt, beaded necklaces, signed l.r. "Willard Page", 14" x 10", (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $100-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
62A OIL ON ACADEMY BOARD Native American infant sleeping in a papoose, roughness around edges of board, gold frame, 11" h, 10" w. $200-300
Absentee Bids | |
63 DESERT LANDSCAPE WITH SAGUARO Oil on academy board, signed l.r. "David Swing", handwritten notes on back, "Acquired from Elizabeth Coatesworth Beston who said this painting by D.C. Swing (1864-1945) was a gift to her husband, author Henry Beston, The Outermost House", 7 1/2" x 11 3/4", (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
64 CATALINA MOUNTAINS Tucson, Arizona, oil on academy board, signed l.l. "W. Page" (Willard Page, 1885-1958), "Acquired from Hingham authoress Elizabeth Coatesworth Beston, Property of Old Fort House Historical Repository, 99 Fort Hill, Hingham, Mass.", (Note: probably acquired when Elizabeth and Henry Beston travelled to the Southwest), 8 1/2" x 11", (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
65 OIL OF DRYING CHILI PEPPERS Oil on board, landscape with chili ristras and adobe, signed l.l. "Morse" (Vernon Jay Morse, 1898-1965), original carved cactus frame, labeled on back "J.F. Collins Company, Inc. Santa Fe, New Mexico", "Acquired from Elizabeth C. Beston, Shipcote, Ship St., Hingham, Mass...JPR", (Note: probably acquired when Elizabeth and Henry Beston travelled to the Southwest), 4" x 6", (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
66 TWO SOUTHWEST LANDSCAPES Oil on board, Ocotillo cactus in bloom, mountains in the background, initialed l.r. "W.P." (Willard Page), 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" (sight); Oil on board, adobe with chili peppers drying, signed l.r. "W.P." (Willard Page), labeled on reverse "Original paintings in oil by Willard J. P...", "Acquired from Elizabeth Coatesworth Beston, Shipcote, Hingham, Mass.", fly specking (needs cleaning), (Note: probably acquired when Elizabeth and Henry Beston travelled to the Southwest), 3 1/4" x 3 1/4"; (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
67 NATIVE AMERICAN BUST Plaster of Paris bust of a Native American, c. 1900, hand-painted, with beads and bear claw necklace, draped blanket, arrows and tomahawk, impressed on back "The Bailey Co. Copyright 1900", with Hingham, Mass. history from The Howe General Store, 18" h, (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
68 THREE BASKETRY COVERED BOTTLES Tall jar with sweetgrass, and red and purple colored splint, side handles, with tag "Given to John P. Olive Loring...said it was purchased at a Fair at Norway, Maine in 1920 and was made and sold by a Maine Indian", 8" h; Tall neck bottle with sweetgrass and small dark splint, round blue label on bottom "Hingham Society, Arts & Crafts", (Note: John P. Richardson wrote that Indians would come to Hingham and teach basket weaving), 7" h; Glass flask with basket weave covering, some breaks and repair, tagged on bottom "Found in Nye Tavern...John P. Richardson", 5" h; (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
69 APACHE BASKETRY BOWL Western Apache basketry bowl, central star, radiating bands with intersecting crosses, very fine condition, early 1900's, 3" h, 11" dia. $500-700 |
Absentee Bid | |
70 PAPAGO BASKETRY BOWL Large early 1900's Papago basketry bowl, with large central circle in Devil's Claw, with four radiating triangles depicting the four corners, beyond which are other radiating connected geometrics, 6 1/2" h, 17" dia. $500-700 |
Absentee Bid | |
71 PAPAGO BASKETRY BOWL Papago basketry bowl, with radiating geometric designs, good condition, 12" dia. $300-500 |
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72 PAPAGO BASKETRY BOWL Small Papago basketry bowl, with four figures with outstretched arms, alternating with four upside down arrowheads, 4" h, 4 1/2" dia, (ex. Dorothy Abbe, photographer, Hingham; John P. Richardson collection). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
73 PIMA BOWL Southwest, late 19th/early 20th c., decorated in a four-part fret design, with stitching elements of the seed pod of devil's claw used to create the black part of the stitching, tagged on the reverse "From the studio of Dorothy Abbe, Hingham, Mass...JP Richardson, Old Fort House, Hingham, Mass.", (Note: Dorothy Abbe was a photographer/publisher who worked with famed designer W.A. Dwiggins. She travelled to the Southwest in the 1st half of the 20th c., J.P.R. bought a number of pieces from her studio), 13 1/4" dia; (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
74 PAPAGO BASKETRY BOWL With six figures (three male and three female) around the circumference, and a dog, 4" h, 9" dia. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
75 FOUR BASKETRY BOWLS Pima bowl, Four Corners of the World design, 6 1/2" dia; Papago bowl, with original tag "Papago Indian Self-Help Program", 7" dia; Pima oval bowl, Four Corners of the World design, with tag and provenance, 9" l, 6" w; Hopi bowl, with red and black horses, from the "D. Abbe Studio, Hingham, Ma.", 4" h, 6 1/2" dia; (all from the John P. Richardson collection). $400-600 |
Absentee Bid | |
76 HOPI SEED JAR Hopi polychrome seed jar, Nampeyo style, painted black with outlines in white on a polished orange slip, a pair of classic wing motifs across from each other, 3" opening, 2 3/4" h, 9 1/2" dia. $1000-1500 |
Absentee Bid | |
77 ACOMA OLLA Acoma (People of the White Rock) pottery olla, polychrome decorated with upper band of red and brown on cream geometrics, above a band at the shoulder of inverted alternating triangles, above a large scenic geometric design, cracked and repaired on one side, inverted base, found in Hingham, Mass., 10 3/4" h, 12 1/2" dia, (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
78 ACOMA BOWL Acoma polychrome pottery bowl, three horizontal bands of alternating rust/red and brown on a cream white slip glaze, bird or butterfly pattern, small slight inverted base, small wear imperfections, 6" h, 9 1/2" dia. $500-700 |
Absentee Bid | |
79 ACOMA OLLA Acoma polychrome pottery olla, three horizontal bands of geometric designs in dark brown and red/orange with inverted base, slight low tapered neck, 8 3/4" h, 10 3/4" dia. $500-700 |
Absentee Bid | |
80 ACOMA OLLA/JAR Acoma polychrome pottery olla/jar, two bands of black and brown on a cream slip glazed background, divided by small brown horizontal bands, inverted base, some wear at shoulder, 7 1/4" h, 8 1/2" dia. $600-800 |
Absentee Bid | |
81 ZUNI POT Zuni polychrome pottery jar, indented base, rust/red and brown on a cream glaze base, classic geometric designs, out-of-round at the rim, 7" h, 11" dia. $600-800 |
Absentee Bid | |
82 ZIA DOUGH BOWL Zia polychrome pottery bowl, brown and red decoration, in a single wide cream band, alternating and inverted cornflower separated by an undulating red curvilinear design, flat base, thick clay, 6" h, 12" dia. $500-700 |
Absentee Bid | |
83 SANTO DOMINGO JAR Santo Domingo jar, polychrome decorated in black and red on a cream polished glaze, two birds on either side eating red and black berries, spirit line at black painted rim, small inverted base, 8 1/2" h, 7" dia. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
84 SANTO DOMINGO BOWL Santo Domingo polychrome bowl, large single band of black over cream glaze, reddish bottom, alternating circles and four corners in double outlined rectangles, 5 1/2" h, 9 3/4" dia. $400-600 |
Absentee Bid | |
85 SAN ILDEFONSO WATER JAR Early 20th c. San Ildefonso polychrome water jar, upper cream glazed band with red pueblos and black ladders, double horizontal black lines separating lower band of plants and repetitious floral motif, attributed to Maria and Julian Martinez, 10 1/2" x 10 1/2". $500-700 |
Absentee Bid | |
86 SANTA CLARA JAR Santa Clara, deeply carved red glaze on red clay jar, depicting the red carved water serpent "Avanyee" with two rain clouds above, finely carved design, signed on the base "Christina Naranjo", c. 1970-1975, 7 1/2" h, 10 1/2" dia. $400-600 |
Absentee Bid | |
87 CROOKED KNIFE AND LADLE Flattened maple handle, old patina, with carved and raised initials "BW", steel blade with wrapped twine, tagged "Purchased in 1964 at Kokad-Jo Maine...made and used by Indians and lumberjacks, JPR", 10" l; Bentwood carved wooden ladle, shaped end, tagged "part of the Thomas Tracy Bouve Collection, mkd TTB...had an extensive Indian artifact collection...This was supposedly made by Maine Indians. John P. Richardson Hingham, Mass.", 8 1/2" l; (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
88 IRON BLADE TRADE AXE "Unearthed in 1868 from Indian 'burial place' on the slope of Atlantic Hill, Hull, Mass...", "Purchased from the Bouve Family by John P. Richardson 1965", blade is signed (stamped) in two places, pitted, 7" l, 19th c. maple handle, smooth patinated surface, 22" l, "Iron Trade Axe of Colonial Vintage Traded to the Indians (c. 1700)...", (Note: rare form with South Shore history), (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $500-700 |
Absentee Bid | |
89 FOUR BOWS Eastern origin, two in cherry wood, one half round with flat surface on one side and notched on either end, 66" l, the other is round with a natural bow, 53" l; Two hat bows, both notched on ends, "one found nailed...behind a 1781 plastered wall of the Stephen Stoddard House, Hingham, Mass.", 4' l; the other is tagged "found by me in 2002 during extensive renovation of the Ebenezer Gay house, North St. Hingham, Mass.", "It had fallen from attic down to 1st floor behind the walls by the chimney...", 47" l; (ex. John P. Richardson collection, 2002, Hingham, MA). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
90 IROQUOIS FALSE FACE MASK Important 19th c. Iroquois false face mask, carved wood with black and white pigment, attached horsehair, inset tin eyes, some insect damage on nose filled with minor inpaint, from the estate of Col. Leroy Barton (B. 1887) of Port Washington, L.I., former harbormaster for NYC during WWII, Assistant to Secretary of the Treasury (1934-1939) under FDR, 14" h, 9" w. $1000-2000 |
Absentee Bid | |
90A IROQUOIS FALSE FACE MASK Mid 20th c., carved wood with red and white painted features, attached horsehair, carved white painted teeth with protruding tongue, (from a descendant of Charles Crocker, California railroad magnate), 11" l. $500-700 |
Absentee Bid | |
91 BEADED PILLOW Circa 1910, red, white and blue glass beads on a pink wool background, an eagle with two American flags and an arrow in its talons, 10" h, 10" w, (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
92 SIOUX PIPE BAG Sioux pipe/tobacco bag, c. 1890, beadwork on deerskin, tin cones with red dyed horsehair, over a motif of four facing blue and red teepees with American flags above with four gold stars in blue and red and white stripes, flanked by blue crosses with yellow centers, porcupine quillwork on rawhide slats, in red, yellow, white and purple, above many tin cones with red horsehair, frieze below, opposite side shows geometric designs, teepees, crosses in diamonds in reds, cobalt, greens and yellows on white background, 33" l, 8 1/2" w. $1000-1500 |
Absentee Bid | |
93 PLAINS INDIAN TOMAHAWK/SKULLCRACKER Polished stone, secured with rawhide, red and white quillwork decoration, tagged "Western Indian Tomahawk brought back to Hingham Massachusetts by botanical artist Isaac Sprague from his trip west with the John James Audubon expedition in 1840. I...purchased the tomahawk from Isaac Sprague's the 1960's. John P. Richardson, Hingham, Mass.", (Note: a small tag handwritten in script "Sprague" is attached to the shaft), 5" l stone head, 15" overall l, (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
94 BEADED MOCCASINS Pair of Plains fully beaded hide moccasins, sinew sewn soles, overall stitched with green knife blade pattern on top, with white crosses on the sides, geometric designs on a white background, split beaded tongues with tin cones and red feathers, deerskin fringed backs, 10" l. $700-900 |
Absentee Bid | |
95 BEADED MOCCASINS Pair of Plains beaded moccasins, sinew sewn soles, top of foot stitched with geometric white and gold checkerboards, flanking a white band with blue, red, yellow and light blue rainbow pattern, green silk ankle bands, 9" l. $400-600 |
Absentee Bid | |
96 TWO PAIRS OF MOCCASINS Two pairs of Plains beaded moccasins: deer hide with white bands with red, blue and yellow geometrics, old label "Sioux...owned by Two Guns White Calf who posed for the Indian Nickel", 10" l; and a soft deerskin, beaded with blue and light purple crosses on top of foot, traces of yellow pigment on top and light blue painted seam in back, 10" l; both pair have sinew sewn soles. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
97 BEADED CHILD'S MOCCASINS Fine pair of Eastern Native American child's moccasins, wonderfully decorated with white pony beads, red glass beads on green silk tops, green felt with red wool tape ties, 4" l. $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
98 BEADED GAUNTLETS Cree beadwork in shades of green, cobalt and light blue, translucent red and yellow, with a central scalloped radiating petal/floral design stemmed with leaves and flowers, all outlined in white beads, fringed, palms show wear, muslin interior, 14 1/2" l, 9" w at the cuff. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
99 EMBOSSED BEADED MOCCASINS Woodlands, high top ladies style, secured with white glass button on the side, trimmed in light blue silk, black velvet vamp with floral designed beadwork in red, pink, white, light blue and green, 5 1/2" h, 9" l. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
100 STRIKE-A-LIGHT/BEADED PAINT POUCH Plains, seed beaded in an overall background design in a deep red with three blue and white crosses on blue triangular structures, geometric beaded flap with central round silver attachment, fringed with small tin cones, interior with traces of red pigment, bead work design on back with inverted blue triangles with multiple tin cones below, (loss of white beads on left side), 6" l (to bottom of cones). $700-900 |
Absentee Bid | |
101 BEADED MOCCASINS Plains, light blue seed beaded vamp in a stylized snake's head with black eyes, with pink, green and cobalt surround, protruding tongue in black and light blue, cuffed and edged with small steel cut beads, 10" l. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
102 PLAINS BEADED NECKLACE Round brass beads, with 22 glass light blue and four cobalt beads with more brass beads continuing to an attached cut hide painted horse in red, with dark spots, white face and black tail, 15 attached deer claw dangles on strips of green leather, two flat strips of beaded deer skin, each terminating with two tin cones and red horsehair. $400-600 |
Withdrawn |
103 BEADED KNIFE CASE Northern Plains, geometric designs in green, red, blues and yellow on a white background, beaded tassel attachment with tin cones and red feathers, wood handled knife with filed blade, (see page 33, picture 78, Early Knives and Beaded Sheaths of the American Frontier, John Baldwin), 10" l (to end of tassel). $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
104 BEADED KNIFE CASE Probably Chippewa, three-petal flower in reds, light blue leaves with cobalt vine on a yellow field, red wool edging, antler handled knife with curved steel blade, 8" l, (knife is 9" l). $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
105 BEADED KNIFE CASE Plains, yellow background with multicolor beaded central portion, green and orange bands at top, wood handled knife with very thin blade, 9" l, (knife is 10" l). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
106 BEADED WOMAN'S AWL CASE Light blue background with red crosses and diamonds outlined in cobalt, tin cones and twisted deer skin drops with three small brass bells, 8" l (to tin cones). $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
107 CHILD'S BEADED MOCCASINS Painted hide in yellow with red on the vamp, trails of beads in tan, green and light blue, tagged "a gift to John P. Richardson from Dorothy Abbe, an associate of Wm Addison Dwiggins, Hingham, Mass...She acquired them on a trip West...J.P.R.", 7" l, (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
108 BEADED WOMAN'S MOCCASINS Translucent white, with cobalt and red along the length of the vamp, 8 1/2" l. $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
109 EMBROIDERED MOCCASINS Prairie style, Lakes Region, with cut ribbon appliqued top section in purple, outlined in green and red embroidery, delicately embroidered vamp in red and purple petal flowers with green leaves and vines, 7" h, 10" l. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
110 HOPI KACHINA Carved and painted kachina, Tuwalakum or Guard, Hololo, Big Ears Kachina, a live dancer in the Plaza Dances, feathers on top of mask, standing on a round platform, Third Mesa Hopi, 13" h. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
111 HOPI KACHINA Carved and painted kachina, Momoyam (Kachina Woman), Nuvak'chin Mana or Snow Kachina Girl, represents the snow, a prayer that snow may fall and give moisture to the ground, topped with white cotton, carved and white painted cloak, 11" h. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
112 HOPI KACHINAS Two carved and painted kachinas: Nuvak'chin, Prickly Pear Cactus Kachina, Big Ears, crested with downy yellow and blue feathers, tubular mouth, wearing a painted turquoise and silver necklace, 10" h; and a similar carved and painted kachina, "Hilili", Powak-chin, fearsome Guard at the Kiva Dances, diagonally divided mask, a wildcat skin draped across the shoulders, carved fox skin attached on back at the belt, remnant of feathers on top of mask, 10" h. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
113 HOPI KACHINAS Two carved and painted kachinas: Koroasta, seed planter, Big Ears, white squash nose/mouth, signed on bottom of left foot "AMI 52", 8 1/2" h; and a guard kachina, Tuwalakum, Hesto, inspired from Zuni, guard during the Bean Dance Parade, remnant of feathers, carved and painted three-feather plaque attached on top, 9 1/2" h. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
114 HOPI KACHINAS, GOURD RATTLE Two carved and painted Hopi cottonwood kachinas: Hololo, big red ears, protruding round eyes and rectangular mouth, bright yellow and red skirt, carved black feet, 10" h; Small cottonwood kachina, carved and finely painted in the form of butterfly maiden without a headdress, 6 1/2" h; and a gourd rattle with carved wood handle in the form of a kachina mask, painted brown with black highlights, (paint wear and loss), protruding round wood and top notch ears, with attached feathers, probably Navajo origin, 12" h. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
115 SMALL KACHINAS Collection of 12 small kachinas and a kachina puppet on a painted stick, 12" l, including Mudhead Ogre, Snow Kachina Girl, Hummingbird (Tocha Kachina), etc., (Note: some ears and beaks are missing). $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
116 PALHIK MANQ KACHINA A Dance Personage of Water Drinking Girl (Butterfly Girl), tall rectangular headdress, with carved and painted geometric designs topped with feathers, blue, yellow and red mask with feathers, cotton robe trimmed in black and red, holding remnants of feathers, 15" h. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
117 BLACK OGRIS AWATOVI KACHINA Awatovi Soyok Taka, black mask with large popped eyes covered with feathers and gray wool hair, deer skin cape, holding a long sword in the right hand, (the monster demands food and tries to take the children to eat, especially ones that have misbehaved), 12 1/2" h. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
118 CLOUD KACHINA Omau-u, horns and face painted with stylized clouds and lightning bolts, feathered headdress, red body with stylized clouds and rain, finely carved and painted kilt with bright sash and fox tail, holding feather and dance bow, 13" h. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
119 FIVE SKOOKUM DOLLS Dressed in Native American blankets, three adults, two children (one head broken), and two papoose. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
120 NATIVE AMERICAN NECKLACE AND BRACELET Three strands of rolled turquoise graduated beads, terminating in two coral stones with three polished turquoise nuggets, 13" l; Wide silver cuff bracelet, inset with mother-of-pearl, turquoise and coral, 1 1/4" w. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
121 TURQUOISE BRACELET Silver with gold and turquoise, stamped "14K" and "925", asymmetrical design with pebbled ground with raised geometric designs, alternating inset triangular chip turquoise and alternating gold chip pebbled inlay, (Note: exceptional Navajo craftsmanship), 1/2" w. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
122 NATIVE AMERICAN BRACELET AND NECKLACE Hopi silver cuff bracelet, hand cut overlay figure depicting "Rainbow Man", a yeii commanding the rainbow and committed to living in harmony with all of nature, signed "L.H.B."; Rectangular 14" flat head silver necklace, with a silver rain god pendant/pin, set with a turquoise nugget in his belly, 2" w. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
123 NATIVE AMERICAN BRACELET AND PIN Silver openwork cuff, circular overlay design with nine deep set oval turquoise stones, signed "Rosco Scott", 1 3/4" dia; Oval Zuni style cluster pin, embossed lunettes of silver, scratch signed on back "Momk"(?), 3" l. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
124 NATIVE AMERICAN BRACELET AND NECKLACE Finely shaped, heavy silver band with four black obsidian rectangular cut stones, separated with thin silver partitioning and a rectangular cut coral stone at one end, signed "C. Marvezi"; Silver chain necklace, 11" l. $300-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
125 NATIVE AMERICAN NECKLACE AND THREE BRACELETS Heishe and turquoise nugget, three-strand necklace with silver tube ends and fastener, 14" l; Two slim silver bracelets, cut on diagonals, one with inset turquoise, the other with channel inlaid turquoise, mother-of-pearl jet, dark pen shell and coral; Cuff bracelet with three strands of silver beads, signed "TAHB". $200-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
126 NATIVE AMERICAN NECKLACE, BRACELET & PIN Zuni, thin silver tubular beads, with fetish birds, fish and animals, 12" l; Silver bracelet, simple design, seven etched lines; Pendant/pin with a petal flower with turquoise and dark pen shell, 2 1/2" h. $150-250 |
Absentee Bid | |
127 NATIVE AMERICAN NECKLACE, BRACELET & JOCLAS Classic rolled sky blue turquoise graduated beads, five nuggets with silver fastener, 8" l; Sand cast openwork bracelet, with turquoise arrowhead and two-strand green turquoise, terminating with four small turquoise nuggets and three black pen shell nuggets, 6" l. $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
128 TWO NATIVE AMERICAN NECKLACES Classic Navajo hand stamped, handmade silver beads, graduated, 14" l; Silver bead necklace, interspersed with shaped silver tubes, 10" l. $150-250 |
Absentee Bid | |
129 NATIVE AMERICAN JEWELRY Heavy Navajo pawn bracelet with arrows, four runners, etc.; Silver ring with oval turquoise stone; Hinged lid box with green oval turquoise stone on top; Circular silver pin with tiny round clustered turquoise stones; Two classic earrings with circular silver globes. $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
130 NATIVE AMERICAN NECKLACE AND BRACELET Four strands of light green rolled stone beads, interspersed with coral and turquoise; Silver cuff bracelet, with two strands of rolled beads in light green, turquoise and coral, and channel inset medial stones, coral, turquoise, etc. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
131 THREE NATIVE AMERICAN PENDANTS/PINS Silver and turquoise bird effigy pins, mother-of-pearl inset eye and wings in the Northwest Coast style, signed "Patty Fawn"; Thunderbird with turquoise nugget; Stork with glass eye and turquoise scarab, signed "the Dreamer", 4" h. $150-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
132 NATIVE AMERICAN BELT BUCKLE, BRACELETS, RINGS Silver buckle with raised leaves and two blue turquoise nuggets, 3" w; Cuff bracelet with ghan dancer, mosaic inlay with turquoise, mother-of-pearl jet and coral, signed "BB" (Begay family); Silver ring with stylized bear claw and shadowbox coral, signed "DM"; Silver ring depicting a spider; Cuff bracelet, signed "Wayne Paquin", missing inlay (not pictured). $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
Principal Ann Berthold retired after 39 years of teaching at the Woodcock School of North Attleboro, MA. In retirement she traveled to Gallup, New Mexico by plane (TWA), where she visited and purchased the jewelry and basket from the Mike Kirk Trading Post (Lots 132A-132C). |
132A PINS, PENDANTS AND BELT BUCKLE Fine collection of 12 Navajo pawn silver pins, pendants and belt buckle, all set with blue turquoise stones, (Mike Kirk Trading Post, Gallup, NM). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
132B COLLECTION OF NAVAJO PAWN JEWELRY Silver rings (six), two bracelets, two pins depicting rain gods (one with a small turquoise stone), pendants, single earring, and two large shell wampum beads, (Mike Kirk Trading Post, Gallup, NM). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
132C PAIUTE BASKETRY BOWL Fully beaded Paiute basketry bowl, in blue and red on geometric white background, some beads are missing, overall good condition, 3" h, 5" dia, (Mike Kirk Trading Post, Gallup, NM). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
132D TWO PLAINS CATLINITE PIPES Finely carved and polished with concentric circles at top of bowl and on stem, stylized hawk's head finger rest at bottom of bowl, 4" l; Smaller flat pipe in a darker catlinite. $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
132E EASTERN BEADED CLOTH POUCH Black velvet background, with multicolor beadwork in floral patterns, silk trimmed top shows wear, interior with blue glazed cotton, two shaped beaded flaps, some wear on cloth edges, 6 1/2" h, 7 1/4" w. $100-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
132F COLLECTION OF 14 POSTCARDS Portraits of Native Americans, eight cards "copyrighted by E.S. Curtis, 1904", in a sepia tone, one showing Zuni Pueblo and other dramatic posed portraits, and six other cards, three in a tinted color, "copyright 1903, by Lowman & Hanford, S. & P. Co., Seattle", and copies of photos of Mike’s Trading Post. $100-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
The following five lots are presumed 20th c.. Some show signs of wear, possibly used in Wild West Shows, rodeos, Pow Wows, etc. |
133 PLAINS WAR SHIRT Thin beaded strips in red, white and blue on buckskin, red painted sleeves, red dots at the waist, fringed at shoulders and under the arms, red wool edged collar. $500-700 |
Absentee Bid | |
134 PLAINS WAR SHIRT Soft buckskin with long fringe, beaded strips of dark green background with yellow crosses, and long yellow claw marks, outlined in red. $1000-1500 |
Absentee Bid | |
135 OLDER BUCKSKIN SHIRT Beaded collar with gold and red flowers, front chest pocket with red and purple flowers, in the Woodland style, thin green and white beaded strips on shoulders and at cuffs, trailing vines and flowers across the top of the shoulders, in blues and greens, fringed, mother-of-pearl button, (replica). $400-600 |
Absentee Bid | |
136 LADIES TANNED BUCKSKIN SHIRT Rectangular beaded panels on front and back in blues, with three vertical red and light blue columns, beaded panels at the shoulder with flowers and strawberries on a white background, attached cowry shells around sleeves and across the top of the panels, fringed, (replica). $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
137 BUCKSKIN SHIRT Turquoise blue dyed skin, with yellow dyed triangular leather bib with fringe, strips of beadwork in blue, yellow and green, blocks on white background, long yellow fringe at sleeves, (replica). $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
138 NAVAJO RUG Gray, red, brown and cream/white, central cross, gray outlined in brown, stepped geometrics, serrated border, circa 1930, (Note: purchased by Hingham, MA collectors at the Santa Fe Antique Indian Market in the 1990's), 3' 8" x 6' 2". $800-1200 |
Absentee Bid | |
139 NAVAJO RUG Fifteen white crosses with interior black crosses on red background, yellow and black stripes, (Note: purchased by Hingham, MA collectors just north of Santa Fe in the 1970's), 4' 5" x 5' 10". $1500-2000 |
Absentee Bid | |
140 NAVAJO RUG Central stylized crosses, bordered by red and white zigzag, on blue and black stripe background, (Note: purchased by Hingham, MA collectors at the Blue Mountain Trading Post in Blanding, Utah in 1998), 4' 3" x 6' 9". $2000-3000 |
Absentee Bid | |
141 NAVAJO BLANKET Red field, four serrated central diamonds, red, cream and black, with grays, some bleed and repairs, 4' 6" x 5' 6". $800-1200 |
Absentee Bid | |
142 NAVAJO RUG Central diamonds, reds, tan, gray and black, outlined in black, cream background, many sewn repairs, missing a piece on one end, 3' 7" x 5'. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
142A NAVAJO RUG Two central serrated diamonds with red, black and tan, on a natural background surrounded with red, alternating brown and tan squares, bordered in brown, circa 1930, good condition, 4' 5" x 6' 9". $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
142B NAVAJO RUG Striped pattern, natural gray, red, orange and black, 4' 8" x 5' 8". $600-800 |
Absentee Bid | |
143 PORTRAIT OF WAATOPENOT McKenney/Hall hand-colored lithograph portrait of Waatopenot ("The Eagles Bill"), a Fox Chief, published by Rice & Clark, Philadelphia, 1845, framed, glazed and matted, 10" x 14 1/2" (sight), 24" x 19" (framed). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
144 PORTRAIT OF NAHETLUEHOPIE McKenney/Hall hand-colored lithograph portrait of Nahetluehopie ("Little Doctor"), Chief of Muskogee, from a Charles Bird King painting, 1825, framed, glazed and matted, published by Rice and Clark, Philadelphia, c. 1843, two slight linear scuff marks on face, ghost impression of type from facing page, (note: the red spots on his blue jacket designate previous bullet wound sites), 14 1/2" x 10" (sight), 24" x 19" (framed). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
145 PORTRAIT OF SHINGABA WOSSIN McKenney/Hall hand-colored lithograph portrait of Shingaba Wossin ("Image Stone"), Chippewa Chief, painted by James Otto Lewis, 1826, copied by Charles Bird King, published by Key and Biddle, Philadelphia, 1833, framed, matted and glazed, slight imperfections, overall good condition, 18 1/2" x 13" (sight), 28" x 22" (framed). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
146 PRINT OF WA-KAWN McKenney/Hall hand-colored lithograph print of Wa-Kawn ("The Snake"), Winnebago Chief, painted by James Otto Lewis, 1826, copied in Washington by A. Ford, published by J.T. Bowen, Philadelphia, 1841, framed in bird's-eye maple, 19 1/2" x 13" (sight), 24 1/2" x 17 1/2" (framed). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
147 PORTRAIT OF WA-EM-BOESH-KAA McKenney/Hall hand-colored lithograph portrait of Wa-Em-Boesh-Kaa, Chippewa Chief smoking his pipe, painted by James Otto Lewis, 1826, copied by Charles Bird King, published by F.W. Greenough, Philadelphia, 1836, glazed and framed in bird's-eye maple, very fine condition, 19 1/2" x 13" (sight), 24 1/2" x 17 1/2" (framed). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
148 PORTRAIT OF PAYTA-KOOTHEA McKenney/Hall hand-colored lithograph portrait of Payta-Koothea ("Flying Clouds"), Shawnee of the Chillicothe Tribe, painted by Charles Bird King, published by F.W. Greenough, Philadelphia, 1838, finely matted, three slight fox spots to the left of the figure, 18 1/2" x 13" (sight). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
149 PRINT OF KIONTWOGKY McKenney/Hall hand-colored lithograph print of Kiontwogky ("Corn Planter"), A Seneca Chief, painted by F. Bartoli, copied by Otis in Philadelphia, published by F.W. Greenough, Philadelphia, L.T. Bowen Litho, 1838, finely matted, 17" x 13" (sight). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
150 PORTRAIT OF KEESHEEWAA McKenney/Hall hand-colored lithograph portrait of Keesheewaa ("The Sun"), a Fox Warrior and Medicine Man, painted by Charles Bird King, c. 1824, published by F.W. Greenough, Philadelphia, L.T. Bowen Litho, 1838, matted with red mat board, 15 1/2" x 13" (sight). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
151 KARL BODMER INDIAN PRINTS Two Karl Bodmer hand-colored lithographs, c. 1846, from the Folio of American Indians, two matted prints including Saki Indianer and Crih Indianerin, (litho by J. Honnegger), matted, 9 1/2" x 13" (sight); and a profile of a warrior in a beaded robe, matted, 10 3/4" x 8" (sight). $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
152 PRINTS OF NATIVE AMERICANS Two hand-colored lithograph prints: after Karl Bodmer's Folio of American Indians, a double portrait of Chief of the Blood Indians and Woman of the Cree Tribe, matted, 9 1/2" x 13" (sight); and a hand-colored lithograph of a warrior, (originally painted by Hassler), litho by Honegger, c. 1845, 9" x 12" (sight). $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
153 COLLECTION OF SIX ENGRAVINGS George Catlin hand-colored wood engraving of a standing warrior holding a spear with feathers, framed, matted and glazed, 6 1/2" x 4 1/2" (sight); McKenney/Hall hand-colored lithograph of Keesheewaa, a Fox Chief, published by F.W. Greenough, Philadelphia, 1838, lightly soiled; Karl Bodmer lithograph, Saki Indianer and Cree Woman, (uncolored), framed and matted; Harper's Weekly, The Buffalo Dance, drawn by Frederick Remington, c. 1887, matted, 10" x 14 3/4" (sight); Two mounted reprints after McKenney/Hall, Wa-Pel-la, Chief of Musquakees; and Not-chi-mi-ne, Iowa Chief; both colored. $200-300 |
Absentee Bid |
154 TWO AUSTRONESIAN IGOROT SHIELDS AND PHOTO Carved wood warrior shields, with four woven bamboo/caned strips, dark pigmented surfaces, battle wear and patina, 32" h, 9 1/2" w and 32 1/2" h, 10" w; Early framed photo showing a Kalasag warrior holding a spear and similar shield; (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
155 AUSTRONESIAN CROSSBOW, ARROWS AND QUIVER Hardwood cross bow wrapped with braided cane, bone trigger, twist braided bow string, very old patina, 25" l, 37" w; Woven bamboo strip quiver, 20" l; With 20 bamboo arrows and two steel arrow tips, 35-37" l; (ex. John P. Richardson collection). $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
156 NEW GUINEA RITUALISTIC DAGGER Sepik River, Cassowary, bone, pigmented clay, cowry shells, boars tusk, cassowary feather headdress, mounted in a deep frame, 24" l, 29" x 15" (frame). $200-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
157 FOOD BOWL Middle Sepik River, old carved wood in an oval form, stylized crocodile head figures for handles, old repair to bottom, dark patina, 24" l. $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
158 CEREMONIAL AXE New Guinea, Central Highlands, Mt. Hagen, wood, stone and rattan, carved wood handle, 29" l, flared polished slate blade, 3" l, 7 1/2" w, decoratively wrapped in intricately woven rattan, 35", old patina, some wrap is worn, overall good condition. $400-600 |
Absentee Bid | |
159 CEREMONIAL ADZE Mangaia Island, slate or volcanic stone, finely shaped and carved head, (some chipping), 13" l, delicately lashed with sennit to the intricately Toki carved handle, 39" l, openwork (four pieces) and footed base with old break, old patina. $400-600 |
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160 RARE FAN Marquesas Island, Polynesia, wood and fiber, 18th/19th c., handle finely carved with two pairs of Tiki figures kneeling back to back, (Note: upper pair of Tiki's attached ears are almost worn smooth from handling, as well as the sennit strands tying the fan to the handle show darkened color from use), the fan is a half oval constructed of split pandanus leaves and shows a native repair halfway up the stick, some missing weavers but mostly in very good condition, found in a New Bedford, Mass. estate of 19th c. mariners, 16" h, 4 1/2" handle. $3000-5000 |
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161 POLYNESIAN LADLE OR DIPPER Trobriand Islands, coconut or nut shell and carved wood handle, terminating in a stylized bird's head, 18" l. $200-400 |
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162 THREE REDWARE CERAMIC VESSELS Prehistoric Costa Rica, flared rims, dark bands at neck with remnants of white geometric decoration, all have side nodules, white decoration on bodies, minor chips and a crack on one of the smaller pots, 5", 6" and 8" dia. $300-500 |
Absentee Bid | |
163 TRIPOD REDWARE CERAMIC VESSEL Prehistoric Costa Rica, flared lip, Guanacaste pot, 800-1500 AD, deep red pigment designs on upper part, overall black scratch designs, feet with three red pigment circles and interior rattles, 3" h, 6" dia. $100-200 |
Absentee Bid | |
164 TWO TRIPOD REDWARE CERAMIC VESSELS Prehistoric Costa Rica: rolled lips, vertical white decoration, three nodules, 4" h, 4" dia; larger pot with etched designs on neck, two feet show repair, 5" h, 6" dia. $150-300 |
Absentee Bid | |
165 TRIPOD REDWARE CERAMIC VESSELS; AND SMALL POT Two vessels with flared lips and shallow interior, one with remnants of red and white pigment decoration, and legs cut for rattles, (small chip on rim), 3" h, 5" dia; the other with overall black thin geometric decoration, (flared lip repaired), open tripod legs with three apparent snake heads, 3 1/2" h, 6" dia; Ring footed pot with turtles head on side, remnants of black thin geometric decoration, 3" h, 3 1/2" dia. $200-400 |
Absentee Bid | |
166 TWO TRIPOD PRE-COLUMBIAN CERAMIC POTS Mexico: one with lizard shaped feet, black on red circular faces, incised designs, white pigment decorated flared lip, 5 3/4" h, 4" dia; another smaller bowl with white pigment decorated flared lip, protruding faces with heavy carvings on three corners of body, 2 1/2" h, 4 1/2" dia; (ex. Starbuck family of Nantucket; ex. John P. Richardson collection). $200-300 |
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167 TWO PREHISTORIC CERAMIC PITCHERS Redware decorated in white pigment with black outline of a two-headed serpent on two sides, (shows cracks and repairs on bottom and one side), 9" h, 6 1/2" dia; Orange clay ceramic pitcher, with ribbed sides, serpents with forked tongues, divided with pebbled surface, black dots on handle, 8" h, 7" w. $800-1200 |
Absentee Bid |