46 |
papier-mache shoulder head, labeled on back "LinMac Dolls Reproduction
Papier-Mache, Date: 1/85",
cloth body with painted forearms, in a gingham dress. |
$ 69. |
47 |
21" papier-mache shoulder head, label on back shoulder
plate "M&S Superior 2015", completely repainted
shoulder head, original old body with antique leather boots, antique
undergarments, appropriate later dress.
$ 57.50 |
48 |
16" bisque socket head, impressed "SH 1079 DEP 7 Germany",
sleep eyes, open mouth, one tooth chipped, pierced ears with earrings,
modern synthetic wig, jointed composition body, original finish, original
antique undergarments.
$ 316.25 |
49 |
22" bisque
socket head, impressed "390N A5M"
(Armand Marseilles), original mohair wig, sleep eyes with original lashes,
open mouth, jointed composition body with original finish. |
$ 230. |
50 |
22" china shoulder head, black molded hair with white
center part and vertical curls, deep shoulder
plate, painted blue eyes with red lid liner, black dot on end of nose,
antique body, with leather arms and china hands, antique undergarments.
$ 460. |
51 |
5" Twin bisque shoulder heads, impressed "Germany",
with long blonde hair and bows, painted blue eyes, pursed mouth, brown
cloth bodies, bisque lower arms and knees with molded ruffles, molded
ruffles at bodice, blue shoes and white socks, one with chipped shoulder
$ 138. |
52 |
8" painted bisque socket head, impressed "Heubach
Koppelsdorf 250/15/0 Germany", semicircular
defect at crown with hairline at side of face into neck, replaced wig,
sleep eyes, open mouth, five-piece jointed composition body, in original
finish, brown painted shoes with heels.
$ 69. |
53 |
8" all bisque black doll with socket head, impressed "12", plaster
pate, replaced skin wig, sleep eyes, open mouth, with two upper and one
lower square teeth, pierced ears, pegged one-piece limbs, stringing loose,
kid lined joints, fingers right hand chipped, bare feet, unpainted areas
at crown, eyes reset, scraps of plaster inside head.
$ 3,220. |
54 |
On 2: 5" German all bisque, twin rigid neck, wire
strung, one-piece arms and legs, impressed "P-15",
molded blonde hair with blue bows, painted blue eyes, closed pursed mouth,
brown one-strap shoes, white stockings with blue bands.
$ 115. |
55 |
5" all bisque rigid neck, impressed on body "P23"
Shamrock Made in Germany" (Limbach), wire
strung one-piece arms and legs, molded blonde hair with blue bow, painted
blue eyes.
$ 115. |
56 |
On 3: 5 1/2"
all bisque triplets, embossed "Made in Japan",
with molded blonde hair and pink ribbon, one-piece head, torso and legs,
painted features, strung arms and legs. |
$ 57.50 |
57 |
On 3: China shoulder head low brows:
5" black hair, impressed "Germany"; 7 1/2" blonde hair, impressed "6"; and
8" black hair, no mark; all with parian limbs, brown boots with heels, and
cloth bodies, nicely dressed.
$ 126.50 |
58 |
On 3: Oriental dolls: 5 1/2"
composition head with unusual face, original crepe paper costume,
composition limbs with bare feet, voice box nonfunctioning; 6" and 6 1/2"
bisque socket head, sleep eyes, black human hair wig, composition body,
voice box nonfunctioning, original costume.
$ 69. |
59 |
On 2: 5"
china shoulder heads;
one molded black center part hair, parian limbs, painted black low heel
boots and pink ties at upper leg, cloth body and antique undergarments;
the other molded black hair, low brow with new cloth body, and new china
lower limbs |
$ 92. |
60 |
On 2: 9"
German bisque shoulder head girl,
with molded long blonde hair and side glancing painted blue eyes, red lid
line, closed mouth, shallow shoulder plate restored in back, original
toddler cloth body with bisque lower arms, black oil cloth boots, no
clothes; and a 6 1/2" German all bisque boy, with molded blonde
hair, painted blue eyes with red lid line, closed mouth, peg jointed
one-piece arms, one-piece head, torso and legs, bare feet, dressed |
$ 92. |