On 2: 5" all bisque baby, impressed "E 6 80", reproduction Byelo, swivel head, five-piece baby body, painted brown hair, blue eyes, closed mouth, dressed; and 5" bisque shoulder head modern lady doll, painted blue eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, cloth body with bisque lower arms and legs.

   $ 46.

On 3: German china frozen Charlottes, all with repaired left arms: 3 1/2" unusual black molded hair, chipped left foot, bare feet; 4" blonde molded curly hair, black painted boots; and 4" black molded center part hair with vertical curls, bare feet, chipped heels.

   $ 80.50
63 5" parian shoulder head, blonde doll house doll, molded blonde hair with center part, original limbs, black painted boots with heels, antique petticoat and crocheted hat, fine molding and painting, nicely dressed.    $ 103.50

On 3: 4", 4 1/4" and 4 1/2" German bisque one-piece head and torso, wire jointed arms and legs, painted blue eyes, mohair wigs, the two girls with painted pink boots, one with straps, white socks with blue trim, the chubby boy with brown boots.

  $ 57.50

On 3: 2" celluloid Kewpie with blue wings, painted side glancing eyes, slight separation seam right heel; 3" German bisque, one-piece head and torso, wire jointed shaped arms and legs, blonde bobbed hair, painted blue eyes and closed mouth, brown heeled shoes with single straps, brown socks; and 4" German china shoulder head with molded blonde hair, painted blue eyes and closed mouth, cloth body with bisque lower arms and legs, black painted boots with heels.

   $ 57.50
66 On 2: 4 1/2" one-piece bisque head and torso, pegged bisque limbs, molded brown unusual hair style, with orange bow on top and long in back, painted blue eyes, crude body, stone bisque; and 4 3/4" one-piece bisque head and torso, wire pegged bisque limbs, painted blue eyes, blonde molded hair, painted blue boots, pink trim on socks, crudely done, stone bisque    $ 46.

On 2: 4" German black bisque socket head with inset glass eyes, closed mouth, five-piece black composition body with molded white socks and black shoes, nicely dressed; and 5" German parian frozen Charlotte with finely painted features, blue eyes with red lid lines, closed mouth, black bonnet with blue and white trim, molded knee-length red striped pants, bare feet, mended cracks on lower face, neck and right thigh, antique smock.

   $ 402.50

On 2: 4 1/2" German all bisque one-piece head and torso, blue glass set eyes, closed mouth, replaced new mohair wig, incised on back "5701", cardboard pate, wire strung limbs, blue socks and black heeled boots, mold defect upper left thigh and V-shaped chip at crown, packing in head; and 5" all bisque one-piece head and torso, impressed "Made in Germany", sleep eye, open closed mouth, head bent slightly down, mohair wig, one-piece limbs with hidden stringing loops, blue trim to socks, brown one-strap shoes with heels.

   $ 218.50

3 1/2" German all bisque one-piece head and torso, impressed "?5020 on head", blue glass set eyes, mohair wig, wire strung one-piece limbs, chip left upper arm, blue flat shoes, white socks with green trim.

   $ 103.50

4 1/2" German all bisque one-piece head and torso, with blue glass sleep eyes, closed mouth, impressed "5??/2", fine quality, original mohair wig, one-piece limbs with hidden stringing loops, blue socks with deeper blue trim, black one-strap shoes with heels.

   $ 230.

4" German all bisque one-piece head and torso, blue glass set eyes, closed mouth, original mohair wig with tiny cardboard pate, back impressed "161", wire strung one-piece limbs, white socks with blue trim, brown one-strap shoes with heels.

   $ 230.

6 1/2" bisque socket head, impressed "1078 Simon Halbig", with brown set eyes, open mouth with molded teeth, mohair wig, five-piece papier-mache body, peg strung, painted black socks, brown one-strap shoes with heels.

   $ 276.

6" bisque socket head, impressed "S", blue glass set eyes, closed mouth, original long mohair wig, five-piece papier-mache body, peg strung, painted black stockings and brown one-strap shoes with heels, crocheted costume.

   $ 138.
74 Two 9" bisque socket heads, one marked "MB", circular mark "Japan 2/0", five-piece jointed composition body, original finish, open mouth, two teeth, sleep eyes; the other "S 3 NT Made in Japan", open mouth, two teeth, eyes missing, original clothes, crocheted hat, stringing loose, arm detached; both need restringing.    $ 80.50

2 1/2" early china luster shoulder head, short black hair with brush marks around face, painted blue eyes with red lid line, slightly smiling mouth, deep shoulder plate.

   $ 373.75

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